Aliens Exist Former Canadian, Minister of Defense, and Aeronautical Engineer Confirms.

  • 11 years ago
"Decades ago visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help, but instead we or at least some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Robert Smith one of the first Canadians to take an active interest in the subject of UFOs asked the visitors about the accidental destruction of our aircraft by flying into the of the flying saucers. An official US policy insists that UFOs don't exist. The veil of secrecy must be lifted and has to be lifted now before it is too late." It is ironic that the US would begin a devastating war in search of weapons of mass destruction. It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Allegedly to bring democracy to these two countries, when it itself can no longer legitimately claim to call itself a democracy when trillions, I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects of which both the congress and the commander in chief have both deliberately been kept in the dark. Has America developed flying saucers that are visually indistinguishable from the visitors? As alleged, and if so, what do they propose to do with them? Even more critical what progress has been made in the development of clean energy sources that could conceivably replace fossil fuels and save the planet from becoming a wasteland? Well who has the answers? Someone does, but apparently they are not telling either secretary of defense or presidents because they don't have "a need to know" President Clinton was asked by white house reported Sara McClellan about why he didn't do something about disclosure; and Clinton replied, "Sara, there is a government inside the government, and I DON'T CONTROL IT." Excuse me, but doesn't the commander in chief and the person who allegedly have his finger on the nuclear trigger have a right to know what his subordinates are doing? The people of the United States who have paid the bills have a right to know, the people of the world demand to know because it is our descendants whos lives are in immortal danger." It is up the the people of the United States to launch a new war against the evil of lies deceit of darkness and go all out to win the victory of truth transparency and light"
