My Little Pony S04E07 Bats!
Applejack discovers that vampire fruit bats have infested Sweet Apple Acres on Apple Bucking Day, and rallies her friends to get rid of them before her orchard is destroyed. Fluttershy argues that the bats' eating habits would ultimately benefit her orchard, but Applejack dismisses her. Fluttershy reluctantly helps her friends round up the bats and uses her Stare to keep them in place while Twilight casts a spell that eradicates their appetite for apples. The next morning, Applejack finds that her apples are still being eaten despite Twilight's spell still being in effect. During a stakeout, she and her friends identify the culprit as Fluttershy, who has turned into a bat/pony hybrid due to Twilight's spell backfiring. Fluttershy's friends lure her to a mirror using Applejack's prized apple intended for a county fair as bait, immobilizing her with her own Stare and allowing Twilight to reverse the spell. Applejack builds a sanctuary for the bats per Fluttershy's suggestion and apologizes to Fluttershy for ignoring her.