Skyrim Walkthrough: Ep. 37 Silverdrift Liar (Defeat, Disarm)

  • 11 years ago
The main difficulty in Silverdrift Liar are two puzzles.
The first is before you find the word of power. It is in a large cave that has a lower level and an upper walkway. You enter it at one ed of the walkway and the way forward lies at the other end of it. To solve the puzzle you have to pull the handles on the pole's about 5 meters in front of the spikes that are blocking the way.
There is a helmet that sells for a fair amount to the left in front of the spiked. However you have to be careful with retrieving it as, once you take the helmet off the pressure plate, spikes come up out of the ground.
After you have found the word of power and want to exit the dungeon quickly you have to find another chain to lift a gate. I spent ages on finding it, but it is actually fairly obvious once you see it. It is above and to the left of the large chest that is also located in the room.
