General Manager AJ Harrison address LEP Show Saturday 8th March 2014

  • 11 years ago
The new general manager of Limited Edition Promotions Wrestling has now been appointed. His name is "The Money Maker" AJ Harrison and he states that he is "here to help". Already he has set in stone an elimination tournament for the new South West Championship, with the final to be placed in a LADDER Match.

So on Saturday 8th March 2014 live from Brixham Theatre, we will see on of the four particpants become the first ever South West Champion.

Will it be The Ultimate Rule Breaker - The UK Dominator who is currently the PWA Best in The South West Shield Holder, Premier Promotions Tag Team Champion.


The Egotisical bad man of comic creations Chris Marvel who is currently the PWA (Plymouth Wresting Alliance) Heavyweight Champion.

Maybe it will be the technically sound and ultra high flying superstar Tyler Hawke who is currently the PRIDE Catch Division Champion.

Or maybe the local Brixham Hero Robbie Devonshire who recently returned from absence from the business and is a former 3X Heavyweight Champion.

Who ever it is we defintley know it will be one blockbuster of a show!
