• 11 years ago
Available from http://www.world-of-magic.co.uk/Thumb_Sucker__i30182.asp
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Smoke your thumb, anytime, anywhere!

ThumbSucker! is one of the most practical smoke devices ever invented. It's simple, tough, and seemingly impromptu. You can perform "Smoking Thumb" anytime, anywhere 1 second after you want to.
ThumbSucker! is safe & easy. It's smoke device with ultimate practicality.
You can perform it on close-up, street, parlor, and even on stage!

Set-up is simple & diabolical. There's no stress on setting up the gimmick. You will forget that you set "ThumbSucker!" with you in everyday life. But you're ready to go in 1 second. Yes, literally, 1 second. You can put the smile on your face on the test conditions.

Just like other releases of SpencerTricks, "ThumbSucker!" is extremely practical.
After you understand the concept, you can make a lot of presentation like filling wine glass with cloud of smoke in a drinking action without your spectators knowing.

The gimmick and handling are polished for pro-use after hundreds of performance. I don't know the smoke device more practical than this. This is my conclusion. The set includes DVD and the parts for building up the ThumbSucker! gimmick. You can get the main part of the gimmick easily. Once you make the gimmick, you can use it for a long time. DVD covers all of the element, gimmick construction, handling, tips, subtleties, refills and everything in English and Japanese.

It's perfect for the opener. You can do the silent presentation, too. No deck of cards, no coins, you got nothing with you. You mime smoking your thumb. They know the mime means Smoking, so their imagination expands. When actual cloud of smoke coming out of your mouth, they got freaked out. Then you can drag them straight into your world. Once you use it, ThumbSucker! is always be with you.