Timeshare Problems? There is a Better Wa

  • 17 years ago
If you're like most timeshare owners, you may have become disatisifed over the fact that you can't trade weeks as easily as you were told in the sales presentation. On top of that, the maintenance fees, loan payments and the fact that you might not even use your timeshare every year adds insult to injury. It's no wonder that terms like "time share resale" and "sell time share" are the most frequently searched terms related to timeshares on Yahoo.com. Just enter "timeshares" at http://inventory.overture.com and see for yourself.

These negatives do not change the fact that a luxury timeshare resort is a wonderful way to spend a vacation. I would choose a luxury resort over a luxury hotel any time. Well, if I could show you a way to eliminate the need for timeshare ownership, yet stay in virtually any resort worldwide at half or more off the weekly rental rate, would you be interested?

Watch my video on our timeshare alternative. Click the INFO link at my website if you have any more questions.

Antony Mosley
