Dessert - How to Cook a Lemon Charlotte - Cooking

  • 10 years ago
Today you will learn how to cook a lemon charlotte. You will need the following ingredients:

- Sponge cakes
- 30 cl Lemon Juice
- 50 g light liquid cream
- 50 g sugar
- 1 yogurt
- 1 tablespoon gelatin

Take a small pan, mix the lemon juice with the sugar and boil it slowly.
Add a spoonful of gelatin and stir it well.
Pour the cream and yogurt in a bowl. To lighten the recipe, you can use more yogurt and less cream.
Then add the lemon juice and blend it all together.
Take a plastic form, for instance a tupperware box and place foil at the bottom for easy removal afterwards.
Cover the form with the sponge cakes. You can cut them to fit the size of the dish. Don't forget the sides. You can choose either a rectangle or round cakeform.
Then insert the lemon batter.
Close the tupperware and put it in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
Then, you can take it out of the form and add lemon slices for a nice presentation.

