A Japanese office worker was arrested on Thursday after allegedly stealing multiple pairs of underwear, track suits and jeans belonging to woman in Chiba, near Tokyo. The accused man, Yuta Takahashi, is said to be a lingerie fanatic. The victim, who is in her 20s, reportedly lived in Takahashi's neighborhood. The underwear hanging along her one-story balcony apparently was too enticing for him to resist.
Takahashi was charged with stealing lingerie totalling roughly 5,500 yen (US$55) in late December. He was spotted driving away from the scene of the crime. After his arrest he told police all he wanted to do was make good on his sexual fantasies. Chiba police are currently investigating a string of related crimes in the surrounding neighborhood.
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Takahashi was charged with stealing lingerie totalling roughly 5,500 yen (US$55) in late December. He was spotted driving away from the scene of the crime. After his arrest he told police all he wanted to do was make good on his sexual fantasies. Chiba police are currently investigating a string of related crimes in the surrounding neighborhood.
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