How a Good Cat Urine Remover Makes for a Happy Home

  • 10 years ago
Need a cat urine remover that is effective?

Finding the right product made a big difference in my home. Hi, I'm Puss and I'd like to share my story with you.

Like a lot of cats, there are times when I have trouble controlling my bladder. Sometimes, my owner neglects to clean my litter box and it's so gross, I don't like to use it. Another time, I had a bladder infection for two, but my owner didn't know it.

My owner loves me, but she gets frustrated when I have accidents because she has pricey rugs and furniture. It wasn't my fault this time.

When my owner came home and found the yellow stain on her brand new Persian rug, she yelled at me.

I felt embarrassed. I tried to tell her that I was sick, but she didn't understand, so later, I peed in the same spot again. This time, she screamed at me and threw me outside. I was frightened. I thought she might no let me back in. I really didn't mean to make her mad.

Then she watched a video about Pooch & Puss. It's a cat urine remover that actually works.

Pooch & Puss Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator eliminates the 3 P's: pet pee, poop & puke.

It's made from an organic formula that has enzymes that break down pee and beneficial bacteria that neutralizes stains and smells.

It's pet-friendly, child-friendly, earth-safe and color-safe.

Best of all, it cleans up the mess completely, so my owner doesn't get mad when I lose control of my bladder.

Doesn't your pet deserve Pooch & Puss cat urine remover?

For a short time, buy Pooch & Puss Pet Odor Eliminator on Amazon and receive a complementary copy of Pooch & Puss Guide to Pet Mess Cleanup.

Make sure to tell them that Puss sent you.
