Honors Project on who are the Children of Israel in antiquity.2

  • 10 years ago
Thanx to the brotheren at HonorandHumilitySTL

The focus of this project will show that the Biblical people of antiquity in the bible were African or Negroid in identity. Secondly, the evidence will search and point out where they are today and will make the historical connection that the African Americans are the Biblical Israelites.

This presentation will look into the African origins of the biblical people will help us understand the people from true cultural point of view. Cultural identity is the identity of a group or culture or of an individual as far as one is influenced by one's belonging to a group or culture. History as a discipline is very much about identity. Learning about the past means learning about the identities of many sorts of communities and how those identities may have appeared, changed, and vanished.

In this situation, it is very significant to identify oneself with at least one thing (ones ethnicity, nationality, race, religion, or a particular belief). Many people still struggle with the notion of identity in many countries, regions, and various ways in order to fit or adapt into any environment (social, economic, cultural, and political, etc.). One's identity determines ones position or situation in society wherever one lives. However, finding the right type of identity can be challenging for many people sometimes because of the difficulties they face in the process of choosing their identities.

In conclusion, most people link the bible to all matters of study, history, science, research, and I think it is important to know the where bouts of these people. It has been shown that Black people who identify more strongly with their racial identity are generally happier, according to a study led by psychology researchers at Michigan State University. The study, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, appears in the 2011 & 2012 issue of Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, a research journal published by the American Psychological Association. This is part of the solution to what has been a serious problem in the African American Community and why this journey is necessary. To get a sense of how important identity is today for instance, of what it would be like if one would suddenly lose their identity. Imagine if one forgot their name, and lost all documents proving who they are. What would this person do? How easy would it be to survive, even in a modern society? In many earlier human communities, those without an identity were made outcasts. Without an identity one has lost their rights to land, friendship, and support; this plight sounds strikingly familiar to the plight of the So-Called Negro or the modern African American today.