VBS Meets - Nick Cave - Part 1

  • 17 years ago
To see more of this interview go to www.vbs.tv

When the VBS film crew first entered Nick Cave and Jim Sclavunos’s hotel room (which had a really great and depressing view of Ground Zero, by the way), we were rushed for time and got the serious cold shoulder from Nick and Jim, who seemed weary of the press junket they were on and ready to pull out knives at the slightest provocation. Nick cracked wise about how he couldn’t wait to get out of New York and return to London later that afternoon and Jim just glowered like an intimidating mad scientist. I’m a huge fan of The Bad Seeds and thanks to Nick’s reputation of being a fearsome interview, I was ready to get totally shut down by some Old Testament-style fervor. He wears his contempt for music journalists on his sleeve and I can’t really blame him. We suck.

