Jeff Rense Piper Shills Disinfo Agents Rockefeller NYC 9 11 Mob Murphy Abscum Nov 27 2013

  • 10 years ago
This video is no longer applicable to any good words for Bollyn - after we linked him to 3 truther channel attacks on youtube, of the new 9/11 witness - and realized that he has purposefully hidden the new witness' info he was told Sept. 2013, when witnesses first youtube channel was destroyed within weeks .... but still useful, for the background investigations of Rense, Eric Hufschmidt, Piper of his newspaper, and their reactions to new 9/11 witness information, their jobs to create confusion and falsely accuse "a country" instead of the rightful men responsible for 9/11, who were many, and all tied to Rockefeller himsef. See other videos here for 9/11 witness statement world has not yet heard, identity of the one hijacker they identified, and details of 3/10/2014 discovery that Bollyn is a dirty rat behind both a channel attack same day to cover up mars smoking gun evidence of fraud from NASA, AND a global internet outage within 15 minutes of emailing him that video was going up and existed, etc. None of the info any of these men repeat is NEW or DISCOVERED - they merely try to gain control of scandals the public has heard of, and twist it into something unrecognizable, to do damage control.


