zeytunchi cross the taklamakan ,it's a musical adventures based on the silk road landscapes .
this is the first part ,it's a little song about the camel and his work with the human for cross the taklamakan
based on a documentary about ,uyghurs peoples ,it's a population of xianjiang ,north of china ,
it's a nomad people ,who's live near one of the most biggest desert in world .
good travel
score by zeytunchi alias o)(m ,make with dap (frame drum ) a satar (violin) and a dutar (stringed lute )
this is the first part ,it's a little song about the camel and his work with the human for cross the taklamakan
based on a documentary about ,uyghurs peoples ,it's a population of xianjiang ,north of china ,
it's a nomad people ,who's live near one of the most biggest desert in world .
good travel
score by zeytunchi alias o)(m ,make with dap (frame drum ) a satar (violin) and a dutar (stringed lute )
Art et design