• 18 years ago


History Channel's "Secret Societies" keeps the secret of Satanic Bohemian Grove presidential retreat and homosexual nudist colony. Infowars.com radio host Alex Jones was hired by BBC TV Channel 4 to infiltrate Bohemian Club's 2,500-acre giant-redwood Grove in Monte Rio, California.

Jones' team successfully blended with 3,000 world leaders, past Secret Service and Sonoma County Sheriff deputies, to videotape the Cremation of Care, a ritual "mock" human sacrifice performed on a alter to a 50-foot-tall idol of Satan, et, Molech, er, the "Owl of Bohemia".

Jones' video was broadcast on British TV and on Trio Network in USA. HC's SS was perhaps produced prior to Jones raid on BG in July 2000, when Bohemian Grovers reportedly picked Dick Cheney for Bush Jr's VP.

Grovers reportedly picked fellow Grover and gay-pornstar Arnold Schwarzennegger for governor of CA, after Grover Warren Buffet flew Arnold to the Englaish manor of Lord Rothschild for approval to manage the British colony, er, State of CA.

HC interviewed Ron Rosenbalm, who videotaped Skull & Bones' ritual "mock" human sacrifice, and wrote in NY Observer that infiltrators raided the Tomb and "found one room adorned with nothing but Nazi paraphenalia", but that is not mentioned by HC. Be sure to videotape HC's SS. It does discuss CFR INC (wrote charter of UN INC), Trilateral INC, and Bilderburg INC.
