Movie Lovers-Get Unlimited Movies Online With Movies Direct!

  • 10 years ago
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Experience the power of legal,safe and secure unlimited movie downloading.Once registered, you can download and stream as many movies as you want, with no per-download fees, no bandwidth limits and no geographical restrictions. All the movies inside our members area are licensed to us and can be downloaded by our users for personal use legally and safely.

Enjoy lightning fast movie downloads directly from our private server network. All downloads originate directly from our servers and you are not required to install any software or downloading tool in order to start downloading movies right away.We provide both .AVI and .MP4 formats for every title in our collection which means the movies can be downloaded and viewed on any computer,tablet,mobile phone or smart-tv. Downloading and streaming movies from the internet has never been so simple!

All MoviesDirect membership plans are a one-time payment with no monthly recurring billing. You pay once and get to download and stream as many movies as you want as long as your membership is active.

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