Mannaers are the heaviest in the believer scale

  • 10 years ago
supplication 4 the dead: allah ,wash him from his sins with water and ice and give him better house,people and wife than his. But when visiting a tomb say: salam alikom, believers ,u r the preceders and we are the followers god willing.
• Allah forgives forgetting and mistakes in this nation.
• When the man is in grave he is asked about his god, his religion and the prophet he believes in and he hears the shoes sound of those who shared in their funeral
• It is a right on Allah 2 lower what he raised

• Allah says in hadith : oh adam son if u came 2 me with earh full sins then you asked and begged me for forgiveness and u werenot polytheist of me , I will cover your sins and provide u with earth-full sin cover.
• The repentent of a sin is like this who didn't commit a sin.
• Allah continues to look at you in prayer as long as your attention wasnot diverted.
• If night fell, put out your lanterns,cover your dishes and keep your children as Allah sends what creatures he wants.


