• vor 11 Jahren
Side event of the World Bodypainting Festival 2013. The Body Circus is the party highlight of the week in a magic castle, the Schloss Moosburg.
Art and fashion meet mystery and music at Bodycircus.

Hundreds of artists, models and performers again crowded the Schloss Moosburg Castle for the mystery ball of the year. As the first meeting place for the artists who travel around the world to the World Bodypainting Festival, bodycircus is an event unique to the bodypainting industry. The level of special effects make up, bodypainting and fashion design that is created by the artists visiting this event is unique for such a potent one night event.
Performers from as far as new Zealand and as outlandish as Sado Opera kept the evening at a height of energy that excited and inspired. Under the mysterious lights and the ancient atmosphere of the beautiful castle, visitors danced into the morning hours.

Produced by Josh Lim // www.creativeconfluencemedia.com
