Queen la noche del 25 de Abril de 1979 en Tokio ( Japón )..un concierto resumido grabado por lás cámaras Niponas ese dia con una GRAN imégen y sonido..pero que yo aquí os lo he Remasterizado tanto imagen y sonido para así como de costumbre poderlo disfrutar mucho más y mejor..Grácias´!!...Gabriel
Queen of the Night April 25, 1979 in Tokyo (Japan) .. a concert summarized by the Japanese cameras recorded that day with a GREAT picture and sound .. but I here I've remastered both picture and sound as well as I enjoy being able to practice much more and better .. thanks'! ... Gabriel
Queen of the Night April 25, 1979 in Tokyo (Japan) .. a concert summarized by the Japanese cameras recorded that day with a GREAT picture and sound .. but I here I've remastered both picture and sound as well as I enjoy being able to practice much more and better .. thanks'! ... Gabriel