In this ranked game everything changes at the end when the almost losing team get's an ace.
Blue team:
Nasus (Pixia)
Kha'Zix (Buvier)
Pool Party Leona (JosPlays) (ME)
Jinx (WILDjesusete)
Fizz (Killer 4 lifee3)
Purple team
Malphite (SiblingLetsFail)
Woad King Darius (MrSp3ider)
Ziggs (GhostRide38)
Draven (ladygumgum)
Morgana (laboina)
Blue team:
Nasus (Pixia)
Kha'Zix (Buvier)
Pool Party Leona (JosPlays) (ME)
Jinx (WILDjesusete)
Fizz (Killer 4 lifee3)
Purple team
Malphite (SiblingLetsFail)
Woad King Darius (MrSp3ider)
Ziggs (GhostRide38)
Draven (ladygumgum)
Morgana (laboina)