Five years on - دارفور بعد خمسة سنين

  • 10 years ago
Five years on

Five years into the conflict in Sudan's Darfur region, the situation remains dire for civilians. The Sudanese government still continues to disregard its international humanitarian obligations and flout UN Security Council resolutions, including the ban on offensive military over - flights, the disarming of the Janjaweed militia, and cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague. Human Rights Watch calls upon the UN Sanctions Committee to impose targeted sanctions on Sudan, including travel bans and asset freezes on senior civilian and military officials involved in these attacks. The UN Security Council should establish and monitor a clear set of benchmarks including: ending attacks on civilians and offensive military over - flights, ending support to Janjaweed militia, facilitating UNAMID deployment and freedom of movement. Crucially, UN member states should ensure that UNAMID has adequate resources to respond rapidley and effectively to threats to civilian protection.

Human Rights Watch



