• 11 years ago
October Light - Fališ mi

Video Directed & Created by Mladen Konecky (spoony777@yahoo.com)
Pixelart by Mario Jekić & David Hošnjak (www.dunstermedia.com)
Production - Mladen Konecky & October Light

Fališ mi

Opet zurim u plafon
Kao u neki MEGA televizor
I nije čudo fali ton,
A slika je nezanimljiv prizor

Već predugo trebam kick,
Neki dobar trik, da ne potonem do dna ko' Titanik
Da se desi klik i da se desi začas
Da zaboravim na nas.

Samo da znaš da fališ mi

Opet zurim u plafon
Kako da stvarno drugi izbor nemam
Da bar zazvoni telefon
Da me iščupa iz trenutnog problema

Again I am staring at the ceiling
Like one mega television screen
And no wonder there's no sound
And the scene is no interesting thing

For a long time i need a kick
A new trick so i don't sink like the Titanic
Maybe it'll click really soon
So i forget about us

Just so you know that
I miss you

Again I am staring at the ceiling
Like i have no other choice
If only my phone would ring
So i get out of the problem right now

"Fališ mi" produced and recorded by
Miroslav Lesić - Lesique (www.lesique.hr), October Light & Trevor Dahl (www.pluginstereo.com)
Technical Engineering - Miroslav Lesić - Lesique & Petar Horvat
Music Mix Miroslav Lesić - Lesique, Zagreb, HR (www.lesique.hr)
Mastering Misjah van der Heiden @ www.24mastering.com

Mladen Konecky for countless hours making the Video
Miroslav Lesić for his patience with us
Our families for the support


