School Alters Yearbook Photos Without Students’ Consent

  • 10 years ago
Many students at a Wasatch County school in Utah were shocked and upset to learn that they yearbook photos had been altered without their consent.

Many students at a Wasatch County school in Utah were shocked and upset to learn that they yearbook photos had been altered without their consent.

School officials took it upon themselves to uphold the recommended dress code, raising necklines, adding sleeves, and even airbrushing out a tattoo.

Educators involved have been quick to defend the changes, pointing out there was a sign posted that said photos showing dress code violations would be edited.

Said a spokesperson for the institution, “We only apologize in the sense that we want to be more consistent with what we`re trying to do in that sense we can help kids better prepare for their future by knowing how to dress appropriately for things.”

Their lack of consistency is a source of much heartache, as only some of the students in noncompliance with the code had their appearances altered.

It’s been noted that two girls were wearing almost the exact same shirt, but only one of them had sleeves drawn onto hers.

Several girls affected by the modesty initiative have spoken out on the matter using words like ‘humiliate’ and ‘shame’.

The school said it has no plans to rectify the matter.
