• 11 years ago

►What's Your Passion

Passion can be defined as any powerful or driving emotion or simply put an emotion that is infused into your lives that drives you. The vehicle is the action that we choose to display it to the world. Truly Michelangelo's passion was painting and sculpting and looking at the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel and the statue of David, we can definitely see that he lived his passion.

What is your passion?

Is there something burning deep inside of you that if you had no concerns about time, money, space, commitments or obligations, knowledge or talent, you would in a blink of an eye, become that in which you are seeking?

Let me put it another way, if a teacher was holding a $1,000 bill and told you that it represented anything that you wanted to do in your life that made you exceptionally joyful and happy and all you had to do was to be the first one to run up and grab it from her hand in order for it to become true, would you dash up and be the first one to grasp it in your hand?

How fast would you run?

Would you even think about doing it or would you run up without even batting an eyelid?

The first step in living your passion is to determine what it is. Here are some questions to ask your self. Answer each question separately on a piece of paper:

1. What excites me day or night, any time or place?

2. What would you rather being doing right now?

3. What brings you the most joy in life?

4. If you were to pass along your favorite thing to do, what would it be?

5. What puts a smile on your face when you think about doing it?

6. If you were transported in a time capsule, what is the one thing or things that you would want to do in the new place?

7. If you could write about anything that excites you, what you pick to write about?

8. When you close your eyes at night or take your last breath, what would be the things that you were so glad that you did in your life, the things that made you different from anyone else?

9. What would you choose each day to do each day if you did not have to work.

10. If you asked the people closest to you in your family, circle of friends or work what would they say you did very well or show the most enthusiasm for?

After you have written your answers down, take a look at what has come up the most on the page. Chances are that your passion is staring right in front of you!

You will know it when you see it.

Passion identification is a simple process really when you think of it. It is always with us and within us. It is jumping out of us ready to be unleashed! Once you found it, you will not want to let it slip by you. Actually, you do not find it; it finds you! Chisel out your passion and display it in your world.

Find Your Passion and Follow your Dreams :)
