How To Cure Stage Fright - How To Cure Shy Bladder, Shy Bladder Protocol

  • hace 10 años
How To Cure Stage Fright - How To Cure Shy Bladder, Shy Bladder Protocol
Shy bladder syndrome, or parauresis, simply refers to the inability - or reduced ability - to urinate in public, in the company of others. In milder cases, a man might have trouble using a public urinal in a busy venue - such as a sports arena - while in more severe cases, men might be so limited that social events and even long plane rides are out of the question.

Clearly, this issue can severely impair a man's ability to participate in regular activities - imagine trying to get through a long day at work without the ability to void the bladder.

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How To Cure Stage Fright - How To Cure Shy Bladder, Shy Bladder Protocol,
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