• 11 years ago
What's more of a Southern classic than fried chicken? Except maybe red velvet cake? Now you can get all your hospitality at once: Red Velvet Fried Chicken! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/Z7lbS

Trust us! Trust Cheffy! Dinner and Dessert have never come together so right in one bite!
Don't you have fond memories of Sunday Dinners at Gradmama's house, complete with fried chicken and red velvet cake for dessert?? No? well, one taste of Cheffy's custom mashup, and you'll get brand-new fond memories. Hallucinations? Hypnosis? Nope - just a mashup well-executed! Even if you don't have a Southern Grandmama, this one-bite Sunday Dinner will make you think that you do. And you'll long for her cookin' when you're a long way from home. That's not weird, creating memories from nothing, is it? No more strange than mashing up sweet and savory. And delicious mashups are how we roll, y'all.

Watch more Food Mashups: http://bit.ly/YO9DNK

You'll need:
2 Eggs
2 cups Red Velvet Cake Crumbs
1/3 cup Flour
3 Dashes Salt
Pinch Cayenne Pepper
Chicken Legs and boneless breasts (3 of each)
Vegetable Oil or Shortening for frying

Beat the two eggs together. Season cake crumbs with cayenne pepper and salt.
Heat 2 quarts oil or shortening to 350 degrees in large, heavy pot or deep fryer.
Working in batches of 3 chicken pieces: Dredge the chicken in the flour, then dip into beaten egg to coat evenly. Dredge again in the seasoned cake crumbs.
Deep fry for about 5 minutes or more, depending on thickness of cut. (Self-improvement reading optional)

Serve hot, and impress your friends with your mashup genius!

If you make your own, make a response recipe video or tweet us pictures of the process and the product!

Let us know what you think of Cheffy's recipe this week! What else do you want to see Mashed Up and turned into an awesome simple recipe by Cheffy in the days to come??

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We're bringing you recipes so new they still have their stickers on. These foods are the love children of some of your favorite things to eat and drink. This week, our Food Mashup is NUTELLA RAVIOLI! That's right. With our handy dandy Chef-O-Vision, you can see each step exactly as you'd be making it. Then, we hit the streets to see what completely random people thought of this wacky concoction!


