• 11 years ago
It's a Mashup Explosion SEASON FINALE. We're bringing the bacon back, but if that's not enough, there's beer and cheese and Sriracha. Everything a Mashup should be! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/Z7lbS

Have you ever bitten into meatloaf and though, gee, that's not meaty enough? Have you found your Mama's meatloaf lacking in those essential salty, umami qualities? Well, Cheffy's gonna solve that for you right now in the Season Finale. We couldn't finish up the season without bacon, could we? But why stop there? This is a meatloaf worthy of a lumberjack! Of a stout farm hand! Of... Anyone who likes bacon and beer, really. This will fulfill your wildest meatloaf dreams! Who doesn't have meatloaf dreams now and then? We sure do. And you should to. And then make this mashup, and make them come true!

Watch more Food Mashups: http://bit.ly/YO9DNK

For Beer & Cheese Filling:
8 oz Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Shredded
1 tsp Dry Mustard
1/4 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
1/8 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1/8 tsp Kosher Salt
2 tsp Garlic, minced
5 oz Dark Beer, Flat

For Mini Meat Loafs
2 Garlic Cloves, Minced
1 pound Ground Beef
1 pound Ground Pork
1 Egg
1/4 Cup Grated Onion
1 1/2 Tbsp Tomato Paste
3/4 Cup Quick Cooking Oats
1 Tbsp Kosher Salt
1/2 tsp Ground Black Pepper

For Glaze
1/2 cup Ketchup
1 Tbsp Sriracha (or as much as you can handle!)
6 slices Bacon

Put the cheese, spices, and garlic in a food processor or blender, and spin 'em around 'til they're nice and familiar. With the processor running, slowly add the beer. Process some more until nice and smooth. Chill in the fridge for 4 hours. Musical interlude optional, but highly recommended.

Combine all the Mini Meat Loaf ingredients in a bowl, use your fingers to get everything all mixed and mashed and mooshed together.

Grab a handful of meatball mixture, roll, and flatten into oblong rounds. Place 1tbsp of the beer cheese mixture in the center of the oblong rounds. Form another patty of meat mixture, place on top of the beer cheese ball, and roll all that up real nice.
Repeat until you're done with all the meat and cheese.

Mix the ketchup and Sriracha together, and brush over the top of your meatball loaves. Bake those beauties for 10 minutes at 375 degrees.

Cut your bacon strips in half, and drape across your meatloaf balls. Like hot crossed buns. But with bacon. Bake for another 20 minutes at 375. Serve to everyone you know (who's not a vegetarian).

If you make your own, make a response recipe video or tweet us pictures of the process and the product!

Let us know what you think of Cheffy's recipe this week! What else do you want to see Mashed Up and turned into an awesome simple recipe by Cheffy in the days to come??

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We're bringing you recipes so new they still have their stickers on. These foods are the love children of some of your favorite things to eat and drink. This week, our Food Mashup is Bacon Topped Beer & Cheese Meatloaf! That's right. With our handy dandy Chef-O-Vision, you can see each step exactly as you'd be making it. Then, we hit the streets to see what completely random people thought of this wacky concoction!


