• 11 years ago
FOOD MASHUPS IS BACK, on a NEW DAY!!! Can't decide if you want sweet or savory greasy junk food? Doughnuts or Pizza?!? We've got you covered. PIZZA Donuts! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/Z7lbS

Watch more Food Mashups: http://bit.ly/YO9DNK

Doughnuts and pizza are two of our very favorite saturated fat delivery systems. But sometimes you're in the mood for some serious junk food, and it's hard to decide if you want pizza or doughnuts. Or, it's that awkward in-between time of day when you can't tell if you need breakfast or lunch... We've conveniently combined all of the above into one super-convenient snack! Cheffy is back after his world tour, and he's coming back with a recipe for Pizza Doughnuts! It's super simple! You can make it at home - Cheffy will show you exactly how it's done!

You'll need:
1/2 cup Marinara Sauce
1/2 cup Shredded Cheddar
1/2 cup Shredded Mozzarella
1/2 cup chopped Pepperoni
2 Eggs
1 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Pepper
1 tsp Italian Seasoning
3/4 cups Whole Grain Spelt Flour (if your local store is lame and doesn't have this, try the Internet! They have everything!)
Olive Oil to grease the pan

Put everything but the spelt flour & Olive oil in a bowl and mix well. Then add the flour, and whisk to combine.
Spoon the batter into greased doughnut pans (also available on the Internet!)
Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.
Serve with Marinara sauce for dipping.

If you make your own, make a response recipe video or tweet us pictures of the process and the product!

Let us know what you think of Cheffy's recipe this week! What else do you want to see Mashed Up and turned into an awesome simple recipe by Cheffy in the days to come??

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We're bringing you recipes so new they still have their stickers on. These foods are the love children of some of your favorite things to eat and drink. This week, our Food Mashup is PIZZA DOUGHNUTS! That's right. With our handy dandy Chef-O-Vision, you can see each step exactly as you'd be making it. Then, we hit the streets to see what completely random people thought of this wacky concoction!


