• 11 years ago
Take two of your favorite things at Starbucks and turn them into an ice-box pie for a hot, sweaty, summer day recipe? Sign us up Cheffy! Watch. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/Z7lbS

Watch more Food Mashups: http://bit.ly/YO9DNK

The ongoing battle between which one reigns supreme - cake or pie - rages on in the world. In the meantime, those of us who side with pie get excited every time we get to cut through a gooey center and a thin but crispy crust to get a slice of delicious pie goodness. This week Cheffy was inspired by his trip to Starbucks and the unbearable heat that is coming down on us like a plague. To get you out of the sleepy, heat wave blues, Cheffy has put together something simple, delicious, and cold. So, so lick-able and cold. He takes the sweet loafs from Starbucks and turns them into a sexy pie crust then mixes mocha frappuccinos with cream and freezes them for a while. Finally, he tops it all off with a layer of whipped cream. These slices of popsicle like pie filing are pretty cool! eh? EH? COOOOOOL? get it?

If you make your own, make a response recipe video or tweet us pictures of the process and the product!

Let us know what you think of Cheffy's recipe this week! What would YOU turn into a pie?? What Mashups do you want to see in future episodes?!

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We're bringing you recipes so new they still have their stickers on. These foods are the love children of some of your favorite things to eat and drink. This week, our Food Mashup is a Starbucks Frappuccino Ice-Box Pie!! That's right. With our handy dandy Chef-O-Vision, you can see each step exactly as you'd be making it. Then, we hit the office to see what our random co-workers thought of this wacky concoction!


