
  • 17 anni fa
I’m the Queen of LA PAMPA
My Mama is Priscillia
My papa is Dracula
And I love you

I’m el Jefe de Calcutta
My mama is Godzilla
My Papa eat some Pizza
And I Love You

I’m like a butterfly
Dancing in the sky
That joy could make me cry
And I love you

I am two hundred feet high
And I can catch the sky
My hands could Make you fly
And I love you

I am dancing with no shoe
Tonight I’m here for you
This for me is so new
And I love you

I’m the beast of the dance floor
My moving is Hardcore
No one can give you more
And I love you

I am feeling so exited
What ever my mama said
I wanna go ahead
And I love you

I am coming close to you
Your Dreams will all come true
This night I’m going through
And I love you

you will be my everything
my e-ver-y-night dream
my sunrise on morning
and i love you

now the world is full of magic
your smile is so romantic
we do not need to speak
and i love you

i love the way you flex
i can feel the vortex
coming through my soul
and i love you

you will always be my lass
your moving is first class
i feel it in your soul
and i love you

