کنزل العمال میں لکھا ہے کہ آنحضرت ﷺ نے فرمایا کہ میری امت پر ایک زمانہ اضطراب اور انتشار کا آئے گا ۔ لوگ اپنے علماء کے پاس ( رہنمائی کی امید سے ) جائیں گے تو دیکھیں گے کہ وہ تو بندر اور سؤر ہیں۔اور ایک حدیث میں اس وقت کے علماء کا ذکر یوں ہے کہ وہ آسمان کے نیچے بسنے والی مخلوق میں سے بد ترین ہو ں گے
Hadhrat All (R.A.) says Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "A time is soon to come when Islam will remain only by name, and the Qur'aan will exist only in words. People will erect large and beautiful Masjids, but these Masjids will lack guidance and be deserted. The worst creation below the skies will be the Ulama-e-Soo'. Great Fitna (evils) will emanate from them and they themselves will promote fitna and they will be the center of Fitna
Hadhrat All (R.A.) says Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "A time is soon to come when Islam will remain only by name, and the Qur'aan will exist only in words. People will erect large and beautiful Masjids, but these Masjids will lack guidance and be deserted. The worst creation below the skies will be the Ulama-e-Soo'. Great Fitna (evils) will emanate from them and they themselves will promote fitna and they will be the center of Fitna