How I Setup FreeBSD Release RAZ0REDGE Way

  • 10 years ago
Here is a video of my way of setting up FreeBSD Release System.
1. Load the iso into your pc (disc or disk)
2. Install FreeBSD
3. Setup /etc/group
4. Update Pkg.
5. Pkg install sudo and setup sudo (visudo) add username
6. Pkg install the programs i use except vbox, libreoffice i didn't put in there due to time of the video length :P
7. Setting up Portsnap fetch & portsnap extract
8. Howto setup freebsd-update fetch & freebsd-update install
9. add dbus & hald in your /etc/rc.conf file
10. X -configure and vi .xinitrc and add exec pekwm to setup xorg.
You now should have a basic lightweight FreeBSD Desktop System.

I hope this help new comer to FreeBSD system.

ThanX 4 the watch.
