Entertainer Rolf Harris found guilty of sex assaults

  • 10 years ago
For decades he was known and loved by many in Britain and Australia as an avuncular children's entertainer.

On Monday Rolf Harris left court a convicted child sex offender.

The 84-year-old was found guilty of 12 charges of indecently assaulting four girls over nearly 20 years from 1968.

One victim was as young as seven or eight. Another was a childhood friend of his daughter, Bindi.

Harris had been a mainstay of family TV entertainment in Britain and Australia for more than 50 years.

He produced chart hits including "Two Little Boys" and "Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport".

He is the latest in a string of celebrities to be tried for historic sex offences in Britain.

Harris has been given bail and is due to be sentenced on Friday. The judge said a prison term was 'uppermost in the court's mind'.

