Last Brave king of Saudi Arabia (The rest Saudi kings are cowards)

  • 10 years ago
Saudi Kings are cowards , but there was one King of Saudi arabia who was different from the rest. He was King Faisal.
During the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Faisal withdrew Saudi oil from world markets, in protest over Western support for Israel during the conflict. This action quadrupled the price of oil and was the primary force behind the 1973 energy crisis. When King Faisal cut off oil supplies and deprived the west from oil in October 1973, Henry Kissinger met up with King faisal so he could make him change his mind
Kissinger told King Faisal: "if Saudi Arabia doesn't lift the boycott, america will come and bomb the oilfields"
The King Faisal replied back "you are the ones who cant live without Oil, You know, we come from the desert, and our ancestors lived on dates and milk and we can easily go back and live like that again"