Arts Avenue S3Ep07

  • 10 years ago
Fine Art
A Room with Books - Lee Ji-sook
Artist Lee Ji-sook held a solo exhibition under the themes of "Mom's Room" and "A Room with Books". With her modern sensibility, daring use of colors, and expressiveness, the artist reveals the stories from her memory, as well as the enlightenment gained from books. With the combination of terracotta and folktales, she creates a whole new world of artistry. Feast your eyes on the exhibition "A Room with Books".
[Fine Art] Meet artist Lee Ji-sook who cleverly combines the aesthetic value of soil with the elegant beauty of folktales.


Opera Lutgarda
"Lutgarda" is an original Korean opera depicting the noble love story of Korean martyrs Lutgarda and John. The opera, incorporating Korean pansori, realistically portrays the religious persecution of the 1700's, as well as the journey of the two devout Catholics. Their exemplary lives provoke the audience to re-consider what is truly worth maintaining in life beyond religion or martyrdom.
[Performance] Look back at the lives of Lutgarda and John, the symbols of true love.

Honam Opera

Desserts transform into art!
Sweet Art is a handmade-cake cafe offering simple, yet sophisticated cakes with high-quality ingredients and unusual designs while KAYDEE, mixes both tradition and trend. Due to the rising dietary standards, desserts are becoming just as important, if not more, than daily meals. Meet dessert designers that charmed the taste buds of epicureans.
[Design] Desserts, a new form of artwork

Sweet Art


