URGENT!! Wrong Turn FEMA to Roundup Homeless Worldwide

  • 10 years ago
To the Churches,

When you chase Obama you deny Me. Stand up to the devil! The choice is yours. How can you love him and Me at the same time? One cannot serve two masters at the same time. Make your choice carefully for I am against your master that resides in that hell place now known as the White House. It is a nest of vipers! Do not call upon My name and His name at the same time!

My servants, I will make masters of you, for you diligently expose him. A blessing be upon you all, and remember that I love you and your faithfulness. They dare not mock you or the revelations that I give which you diligently share with the world. Your reward will be in heaven.

Strongs Hebrew Word 423 Alah means to curse or swearing an oath

Strongs Hebrew Word 1288 Barak means lightning to curse praise or swear an oath to

Strongs Hebrew Word 1117 Bamah or Ba'mah as referenced in Ezekiel 20:29 is the high place where Israel sacrificed to the idol Baal, to swear exalt an oath to

and then Balah or Ba'lah is to praise exalt or swear an oath to

O is much more than a conjunction but part of an invocation, so by placing O in front of another word is exalting that Deity such as Issaiah 14:12 O Lucifer is referenced.

Ouranos is the real of Heaven or more often the realm of Satan.
