USA: Good Will Hunting bench becomes Robin Williams memorial site

  • 10 years ago
Video ID: 20140813-010

¤M/S Bench from scene in 'Good Will Hunting' covered in memorials and flowers
¤M/S Bench from scene in 'Good Will Hunting' covered in memorials and flowers
¤M/S Bench from scene in 'Good Will Hunting' covered in memorials and flowers
¤M/S Bench from scene in 'Good Will Hunting' covered in memorials and flowers
¤W/S Bench from scene in 'Good Will Hunting' covered in memorials and flowers
¤M/S Chalk writing on ground reading: "Today the world is a little less funny (loveheart)"
¤SOT, Man mourning Robin Williams (English): "When I found out last night from one of my friends that Robin Williams has passed away it was almost as if a piece of my childhood had passed away as well."
¤W/S Man writing in chalk in remembrance of Robin Williams
¤SOT, Man mourning Robin Williams (English): "Itʼs truly heartbreaking to find out what happened. But I think Jason Alexander from Seinfeld said it best, ʻThe world was no longer worthy of Robin Williamsʼ and thatʼs how it is, and thatʼs how it feels today."
¤W/S Pathway of Boston Public Gardens covered in chalk
¤SOT, Woman mourning Robin Williams (English) ""I wrote thank you for being part of our family because all of his movies were movies my family watched together and he became part of our family. And I think this is the first actor Iʼve heard of their passing and actually cried because heʼs just been such a big role in all of the movies we watched growing up since childhood."
¤M/S Pathway of Boston Public Gardens covered in chalk messages
¤M/S Sign for Boston Public Gardens

Robin Williams fans gathered in great numbers at the bench in the Boston Public Gardens where the famous 'Good Will Hunting' scene was filmed, Tuesday. Since hearing of the news fans in the Boston area have been writing movie quotes and memorial messages in chalk on park's pathway. Hundreds of flowers and memorials also adorn the bench.

Robin Williams was found dead in his California home, Tuesday. He is believed to have committed suicide following a long battle with depression and addiction.

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