Presenting a Title song teaser "Behind The Closed Door" from the upcoming Bollywood Movie "The Closed Door" starring Preyashi Nayak, Shraddhanshu Trivedi, Karishma Kadam, Shekhar Shukla, Nisharg Trivedi, Rakesh Pujara, Pooja Soni, Komal Panchal, Khyati Madhu.
It is directed by Mayur Kachhadiya.
Movie is set to release on 29th Aug, 2014.
Song: Behind The Closed Door
Movie: The Closed Door
Singer: Shona Gonsalves
Music Director: Vishal Rajan, Nirmal
Video Director: Jay Mehta
Lyrics: Prashant
Choreographer : Kiran Chavan
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It is directed by Mayur Kachhadiya.
Movie is set to release on 29th Aug, 2014.
Song: Behind The Closed Door
Movie: The Closed Door
Singer: Shona Gonsalves
Music Director: Vishal Rajan, Nirmal
Video Director: Jay Mehta
Lyrics: Prashant
Choreographer : Kiran Chavan
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