Attn all worldwide press, "all nations leaders tried to kill me (jeshu) after i gave signs from allah with YouTube in 2008.

  • 10 years ago
"Allah and all gods of zion empire ( pantheon ) of atzilus heavens, sealed all for mass eradication of from the earth forever, all sealed holy quran surah 2 number 7. "Allah my father increased there diseases with yom ha-kippurim, holy quran surah 2 number 10. "I gave the signs, they were peaceful, but the nations leaders declared war against allah my father alpha and omega the supreme being of the pantheon ( cosmos ) of atzilus heavens. "Allah my father will grant NO mercy" the kingdom's are brutal, savages, and rape little girls, torture, beatings, and mass killers of those who want to be FREE and equal to love, speech, write, art, and whom to love and make love.
