Speed Painting in Watercolors "Moose" by Warrick Holfeld

  • 17 years ago
This painting took me 30+ hours to complete, and was done only using watercolors.
1 minute of video equals about 8 hours of painting.
Size: 19”x30”

To view the final product in high resolution www.warrickholfeld.com/moose.htm
Feel free to comment or show your support by adding me http://myspace.com/timelapseart
To contact me to buy prints or for questions go to warrickholfed.com or email me wildlifeart@warrickholfeld.com
This is my first speed painting but I am planning on doing all my future pieces this way.

Song: Furious Angel by Rob Dougan

I mounted a digital camcorder overhead to film the time-lapse. This is my first speed painting video. I decided to record the whole process so that other artist or people looking to buy artwork can see the whole process. Hopefully being on dailymotion and having people all over the world see and comment on my work.


