• 11 years ago
Millions of Apple fans chucked their ancient iPhone fives in the bin and shelled out hundreds of bucks for the company’s brand new model, unsurprisingly named the iPhone 6.

Critics, however, mocked Apple for only now coming around to ideas such as larger screens, NFC compatibility, an easy-to-use notification bar, etc.

But the critics were not just Android fanboys, some iSheep were also upset to discover their new phone comes with an unwanted feature...it bends!

And thus, a new hashtag was born. Check out #bendgate!

Android droids went nuts over ‘Bendgate,’ bending over backwards to demonstrate the flaws of the new iPhone.

Apple lovers correctly pointed out that you can break anything if you try hard enough.

Apple hasn’t offered much of a response to ‘Bendgate,’ but in any case, true believers on both sides are unlikely to be swayed by ‘Bendgate’ as these days choosing a mobile phone is akin to choosing a religion.

In conclusion: ‘Bendgate’ is hardly the “-gate” of the century, but is it unrealistic to expect a phone as expensive as the iPhone 6 not to bend when you put it in your pocket?


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