Former Bosnian Serb leader claims he was unaware of Srebrenica massacre

  • 10 years ago
During closing arguments at the trial of Radovan Karadzic, a legal advisor told the court that the former Bosnian Serb leader was unaware of the 1995 massacre of almost seven thousand Muslims in Srebernica, and therefore should be acquitted

Karadzic is on trial for war crimes including genocide by Bosnian Serb forces during the Balkan conflict in the 1990s that let to the break-up of Yugoslavia.

Karadzic is representing himself in the case, although he does retain a legal advice team. One of them, Peter Robinson told the court:

“Not a single witness has testified that Radovan Karadzic planned, ordered or was even informed about the execution of prisoners from Srebrenica. Think about that, and you have to ask yourself why. Maybe one reason is that is simply isn’t true.”

The trial is taking place at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, based at The Hague in the Netherlands.

Prosecutors say if Karadzic is found guilty he should be sentenced to life imprisonment.


