Russia: Parents name son LUCIFER after Satan "answered their prayers"

  • 10 years ago
Have you met the son of the devil? Meet baby Lucifer, or Luciferchik as his mother likes to call him.

SOT, Natalia Menshikova, mother of Baby Lucifer (Russian): "He was born with a breathing difficulty and had to be put on a respirator. Everybody was very afraid. I turned to Lucifer as to a higher power. I promised that if the child survives and all will be well with him, I'll call my baby by that name and Lucifer will be his guardian. I came back in the morning and he didn’t have a respirator on his face and longer, so I kept my vow and we named him Lucifer."

Lucifer’s parents Natalia and Constantine are both Satanists and claim that Satan answered their prayers to save their child.

SOT, Constantine, father of baby Lucifer (Russian): "We called him Lucifer: first as a payment of the debt because the child is alive and well and secondly as a protest against the system."

Registry officials in the Russian city of Perm tried to dissuade the couple from naming their son after the devil, but the parents stuck firm to their unusual promise. News of young baby Lucifer caused a national outcry, with some Orthodox authorities calling for the baby to be taken away from the couple and placed in a Christian family.

People still seem to think that the name Lucifer continues to be a bad omen.