This is a production of Obatalá, OgosMusic and Kok.
The song is the talk of the serpent cult. There is no harm. I want to convince anyone. Only information. What I have written the song in the German text, you can google the names here.
Messenger. Hermes + Mercurius (Haitianischer Voodoo) Elegbá Eshú Exú Eleggua Elewa Elegbará (Santeria + Candomblé)
Live. Zeus + Jupiter is Obatalá Orixá Ayé, Oxalá Oxalufán (Santeria + Candomblé)
Arzt. Asklepios Aesculapius Äskulap is Damballa Wédo (Haitianischer Voodoo) Oxumaré Oshumaré Òsùmàrè (Santeria + Candomblé)
Fate. Apollon, Justitia, Fortuna is Hubal (Arabien) Orunmila Orumila Orula (Santeria + Candomblé)
Time. Äon, Aion, Chronos is Tempo (Candomblé)
Duality. Dioskuren is Marassa Dossa Dossou (Voodoo Haiti) Ibejí-Ibejí (Santeria + Candomblé)
Love. Aphrodite, Venus is Erzulie Freda (Voodoo Haiti) Oxum Oshún Ochún Òsun (Santeria + Candomblé)
Problem? Hephaistos, Ares, Mars is Ogoun (Voodoo Haiti) Ogum Ogún Ogun Oggun Ogu (Santeria + Candomblé).
Death. Hades, Pluto is Guede, Baron Samedi, Baron Samdi, Baron LaCroix (Voodoo Haiti) Babalu Aye Babalú Ayé Omolu Omulu Obaluwaiyé Xapanã Obaluaye Obàlúwàiyé Obaluaiyê Obaluaê Egum Baba Abaoula-Egún (Santeria + Candomblé)
Original title.
11+39 - 06.11.2011 - Obatala + OgosMusic - Damballa Wedo (Kok Version)
Screenwriter and film production of Obatala.
This song is in Menschelloride, an extinct language since 1945.
The song is the talk of the serpent cult. There is no harm. I want to convince anyone. Only information. What I have written the song in the German text, you can google the names here.
Messenger. Hermes + Mercurius (Haitianischer Voodoo) Elegbá Eshú Exú Eleggua Elewa Elegbará (Santeria + Candomblé)
Live. Zeus + Jupiter is Obatalá Orixá Ayé, Oxalá Oxalufán (Santeria + Candomblé)
Arzt. Asklepios Aesculapius Äskulap is Damballa Wédo (Haitianischer Voodoo) Oxumaré Oshumaré Òsùmàrè (Santeria + Candomblé)
Fate. Apollon, Justitia, Fortuna is Hubal (Arabien) Orunmila Orumila Orula (Santeria + Candomblé)
Time. Äon, Aion, Chronos is Tempo (Candomblé)
Duality. Dioskuren is Marassa Dossa Dossou (Voodoo Haiti) Ibejí-Ibejí (Santeria + Candomblé)
Love. Aphrodite, Venus is Erzulie Freda (Voodoo Haiti) Oxum Oshún Ochún Òsun (Santeria + Candomblé)
Problem? Hephaistos, Ares, Mars is Ogoun (Voodoo Haiti) Ogum Ogún Ogun Oggun Ogu (Santeria + Candomblé).
Death. Hades, Pluto is Guede, Baron Samedi, Baron Samdi, Baron LaCroix (Voodoo Haiti) Babalu Aye Babalú Ayé Omolu Omulu Obaluwaiyé Xapanã Obaluaye Obàlúwàiyé Obaluaiyê Obaluaê Egum Baba Abaoula-Egún (Santeria + Candomblé)
Original title.
11+39 - 06.11.2011 - Obatala + OgosMusic - Damballa Wedo (Kok Version)
Screenwriter and film production of Obatala.
This song is in Menschelloride, an extinct language since 1945.