Russia: This Apple iGravestone will change the way we remember the dead

  • 10 years ago
A coffin made of gold and worth over a million rubles, or twenty-three thousand dollars? An “iGravestone” that shows digital images atop a tombstone? These were just some of the futuristic takes on death at the Necropolis 2014 exhibition in Moscow.

The exhibition caters to undertakers and those working in the funeral services and mortuary industry, showcasing a range of international and domestic products and services, including coffins in all shapes and sizes on display.

Although people have always been dying, Yakushin Boris, the CEO of Necropol – one of the companies showing its wares – says the industry has great potential.

SOT, Yakushin Boris, CEO of LTD Necropol (in Russian): "A group of exhibits is not big. This is traditionally coffins, gravestones, wreaths, hearses, different products for the preparation of the body for farewell and posthumous makeup. But this industry has great potential. Products change every year. Surprisingly, this exhibition gathers a large number of manufacturers. Every manufacturer is trying to do something new in this industry."

Talk about a spooky show.

