The Millionarie's Brain - Success Mindset

  • hace 10 años

The Millionarie's Brain - Success Mindset

In this short video I did a The Millionaire's Brain review. Here is some more information on
The Millionaire's Brain:

"Use this powerful and explosive technique to activate the Law of Attraction,
think like a millionaire, acquire the Millionaire Mind and achieve your financial goal.
Before we continue, let's quickly review the Law of Belief (known by most people as the Law of Attraction).
The Law of Attraction simply states that "Whatever you deeply BELIEVE at the subconscious level,
you will materialize in your life", "It is done unto you as you BELIEVE", "What you deeply BELIEVE, you GET".
Your beliefs/values
(1) cause:
(2) what you predominantly think about (thought pattern)
(3) what you predominantly focus on
(4) your feeling/emotions (emotional 'states')
(5) your current attitudes, and
(6) your current behaviors and the actions you take. As a consequence of (1) through (6) above, you
(your Subconscious mind is more accurate) are constantly sending out into the Universe a specific
type of vibrations which will attract into your life, through the Law of Attraction,
results which will exactly MATCH #1 through #6 above.
It is the Law.The PRIMARY cause is always a belief/value.Think about ..."

"The Millionaire's Brain" which is an actual showcase of Winter's life and how he managed to overcome
multiple obstacles and to actually make over $1 million dollars in less than 10 months.
He revealed some incredible information about the subconscious mind.
At that time, Winter was not very happy with his life and was not real positive about being able to make
changes to it that would allow him to create the kind of life that he wanted. Once he started learning
about the subconscious mind and how it really controls the outcome of our lives, Winter decided to figure out
how to tap into this power in an effort to change his own life. After much research, testing,
and getting personal results that dramatically changed his own life, Winter decided to create
created a system that is so easy and fun to use, it is practically procrastination proof -
"The Millionaire's Brain program".

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