Utah Escorts Raise Money For Kids

  • 17 years ago
Proving that female escorts are not evil, vile shit, like the Mormon Hierarchy would have you believe; today, June 17, 2007, Salt Lake Escorts had a car wash fundraiser to raise money for the kids at Primary Children's Hospital. How can this be Mormon Hierarchy?

I guess this proves that it isn't just worthy Mormons doing good things in the world, as they would lead you to believe. Of course if any of these girls were(are) Mormon, they'd be(will be) excommunicated promptly, since any sexuall activity outside of marriage is considered NEXT TO MURDER...no joke.

They also teach that you are literally better off dead or in a pine box, than sexually immoral. For those that doubt this, simply Google Kip Eliason and you'll tragically find one of their victims, who killed himself at 16, because he couldn't stop masturbating.

I'm sure the Mormon Hierarchy celebrated, as he was just doing what they taught him to do and they meaning Spencer W. Kimball for one, who was the Prophet at that time and wrote the most evil, vile book every written, called "The Miracle of forgiveness." They should rename it "The Miracle of suicide."

They still sell and hand this book out today, as I speak, to anyone that is having sexually relations outside of marriage, especially the youth. What a disgrace!!

What a wonderful cult eh?!!
