• 11年前
【湖南卫视爸爸去哪儿2-本期精彩】随着《爸爸去哪儿》的热播,"下得了厨房,带得了孩子"已然成为 "好爸爸"的最新标准,连吴镇宇大哥都在节目中发话:"男孩子不懂做饭,就交不到女朋友"。但要论《爸爸去哪儿》中爸爸们的厨艺,上至无所不能"厨神"黄磊下至无所能"菜鸟"杨威,水平可谓参差不齐。在厨艺等级悬殊的情况下,本周众爸节目首秀家乡菜,同样的料理命题下,陆毅秀出厨艺新高度,黄磊做出烤肉新滋味,杨威则致力于"魔鬼料理"二十年,活生生将最最简单的热干面煮成了"热干坨",惊艳程度令人匪夷所思。一切精彩,敬请关注本期湖南卫视《爸爸去哪儿2》!


Hunan TV's most popular show series "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 2 finally arrives! The show features 5 celebrity dads bringing their lovely kids to go on a new travel adventure to let dad and child learn and love each other more. "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 2 will definitely crack you up all the time, while making you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Celebrity dads and kids featured in Season 2 include Hong Kong actor Francis Ng and son Feynman, Huang Lei and daughter Duo Duo, Lu Yi and daughter Bei Er, Gary Chao and his 2 kids, Joe and Grace, and Yang Wei and son Yang Yang Yang.

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