【湖南卫视爸爸去哪儿-本期精彩】这一次爸爸和宝贝们要去云南神秘的普者黑水乡旅行,节目组将任务卡送到了各个家庭——这一回,行李要宝贝们自己收拾,对于马上要展开的水乡之旅,宝贝们觉得需要带哪些重要的东西呢?这个壮族、彝族等少数民族聚集的地区还有许多水鸟相依生存。节目组就给各组父子搭档们安排了放鸟比赛的任务。可是看似简单的比赛,父子们完成起来却困难重重,囧事多多。敬请关注本期湖南卫视 《爸爸去哪儿》!
Hunan TV's most popular show series "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 1 arrives! The show features 5 celebrity dads bringing their lovely kids to go on a new travel adventure to let dad and child learn and love each other more.
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Hunan TV's most popular show series "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 1 arrives! The show features 5 celebrity dads bringing their lovely kids to go on a new travel adventure to let dad and child learn and love each other more.
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★中国湖南卫视官方Facebook粉丝专页: https://www.facebook.com/hntvchina