Season 5 Shaco Jungle Guide :: League of Legends Tutorial & Gameplay!

  • 10 years ago
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Hey guys, and welcome to my guide on how to dominate the new season 5/pre-season jungle using Shaco. Write-up to follow.


9x Greater Mark of Armor Penetration
9x Greater Seal of Armor
9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resistance
3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage


21/9/0, taking Blade Weaving and Dangerous Game instead of Warlord, and Tough Skin/Bladed Armor over Recovery and Enchanted Armor.


As a Jungler, you always want to start with Machete + 2 health potions. I actually advise against doing a clear then backing for Stalker's Blade. Instead, assist your lanes and farm creeps, being careful to avoid as much damage as possible, while saving up 975g for your pickaxe. Recall once you can afford the Pickaxe.


Boots of Mobility and Tiamat's into a Ravenous Hydra are the first purchases I use in my Shaco Jungle build. Take your Stalker's Blade and Warrior Enchantment as you can afford them. At this point you should be a killing machine, and you can start to itemise based on the current game situation.


Infinity Edge and Last Whisper are two items I also consider core on Shaco, although do note this means you only have one defensive item left, and you will be very squishy. Hexdrinker, Guardian Angel, Randuin's Omen and Mercurial Scimitar are all worthy pickups.


Start with W, this is your bread and butter jungling skill. Take Q second for fast ganks in any lane, using the slow from your red buff to blow flashes rather than relying on your E at this stage. Max E first however, followed by W. Remember Shaco's clone lasts 18 seconds. When you ult, countdown from this figure to keep tabs on when your clone will detonate - it will be useful burst damage for picking off enemy carries or clearing waves.


Start with Red buff, placing your first trap BEHIND the large minion at the one minute mark. You have time to trinket dragon brush at 40 seconds and still get back to red in time. If you fail to meet this timing, place a trinket ward in tri-brush straight after planting your first trap. Then stack your traps, and take down the buff, taking care to smite red buff to stay near max health. You can kite by switching aggro between your boxes and yourself. Use your fourth box to quickly kill the last creep from about 50-75% health, and start moving towards mid lane, taking your first point in Q. Now you gank hard, take minion tax and exp where you can, and farm jungle up to Pickaxe. Prioritise smiting Gromp for the poison damage, or Raptor for the oracle buff. Remain hidden is key to successful ganks with Shaco. When you gank, move in stealth, and drop your W behind the enemy laner to break stealth and land your first AA with backstab.


Use your boxes for temporary vision of objectives when trying to contest Dragons or Baron. Aside from this, always pick up green wards to place in the enemy jungle. After taking the first towers, you need to make the enemy jungle your domain, and use your superior vision to catch squishy targets out of position and generate a number advantage in teamfights. Tricky with your clone can also draw suspicion away, so use it wisely. You can push waves pretty fast with Hydra, but generally you want to focus on assassination.


Warning: Super super super squishy. If you get caught, you die. Stay hidden as long as possible until you find an opportunity to isolate a squishy target then make your escape. The brushes around an edge of a teamfight will help a lot. Use the vision you generated with wards to predict teamfights, and set up traps accordingly.

Good luck, Summoners! Please leave a like and a comment for more guides.

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