• 11 years ago
Dr Paul O’Reilly from Burlington Dental Clinic , found guilty guilty of professional misconduct, at an investigation into his fitness to practise dentistry ,held on 12 December, 2014 ,in relation to the following different allegations . Each of the following
is professional misconduct, and any licensee found guilty of such
misconduct under the procedures prescribed in section two hundred thirty
of the public health law shall be subject to penalties as prescribed in
section two hundred thirty-a of the public health law except that the
charges may be dismissed in the interest of justice:
1. Obtaining the license fraudulently;
2. Practicing the profession fraudulently or beyond its authorized
3. Practicing the profession with negligence on more than one
4. Practicing the profession with gross negligence on a particular
5. Practicing the profession with incompetence on more than one
6. Practicing the profession with gross incompetence;
7. Practicing the profession while impaired by alcohol, drugs,
physical disability, or mental disability;
8. Being a habitual abuser of alcohol, or being dependent on or a
habitual user of narcotics, barbiturates, amphetamines, hallucinogens,
or other drugs having similar effects, except for a licensee who is
maintained on an approved therapeutic regimen which does not impair the
ability to practice, or having a psychiatric condition which impairs the
licensee's ability to practice;
